Amthal Supports FPA’s Call For Enhanced Fire Safety Measures

Amthal is fully backing the Fire Protection Association‘s (FPA) call for the new government to prioritise life safety and property protection in its built environment strategy.
The FPA’s manifesto, comprising six pivotal policy areas, sets out a clear and actionable roadmap to significantly improve fire safety across the UK. 

Its policy statements present urgent measures to safeguard people and properties, and we endorse their recommendations.
Amongst the priorities set is the competency of fire risk assessors, whereby the FPA calls for “stringent qualifications and certifications.”  As it says “ensuring these professionals are well trained and continuously updated is essential for effective fire safety management.”
Also mentioned is continuing to support the Building Safety Act 2022, where the Building Safety Regulator is vital. 

“This legislation is a cornerstone in improving building safety standards and compliance.”
The FPA advocates for reforms in the planning system to integrate data-driven fire protection measures, focusing on high-risk buildings and those remote from emergency services.
Says Deane Sales, Amthal Group Companies Sales Director:

“The industry is working to navigate a complex landscape of new regulations and heightened scrutiny, which necessitates constant vigilance and adaptability.  The call from the FPA to support the Building Safety Act 2022 and the Building Safety Regulator is both timely and critical.
“This legislation represents a fundamental shift towards more robust safety standards, incorporating reforms in the planning system and much earlier in construction processes.  It’s crucial that all stakeholders, including the government and industry leaders, work collaboratively to ensure these standards are not only met but continually improved. By endorsing the FPA’s recommendations, Amthal reinforces its dedication to advancing fire safety practices and ensuring our built environment remains resilient and secure for all.”

Further Concerns

The FPA highlights three further concerns, including construction product safety, to align with Morrell / Day Report recommendations to address safety concerns related to construction products.
As we move towards net zero, the FPA emphasises the need for policies that balance energy efficiency with fire safety, particularly with new technologies and low-carbon techniques.
Finally, it notes the need for better protection of schools and care homes, where sprinkler systems are needed in all new and majorly refurbished sites.
Deane concludes:

“As we continue to advance towards a more sustainable future, fire safety measures must evolve in tandem with new technologies and building practices. The FPA’s call for enhanced protection in schools and care homes will significantly bolster safety in these vital spaces.
“Aligning construction product safety with the Morrell/Day Report recommendations and balancing energy efficiency with fire safety is critical for ensuring smart secure buildings. At Amthal, we are committed to championing these vital policies and collaborating with all stakeholders to uphold and enhance fire safety standards for the benefit of our commercial communities.”