Boosting Sector Security during Covid 19

With COVID-19 continuing to loom large over the world, there is no doubt that business policies need to be reworked to meet the standards set for safety. While being outside is one of the most significant risks people can take, it isn’t feasible to block people from leaving their homes forever. Commercial establishments like shopping centres and essential businesses need to continue operating to keep the economy alive and thriving.

For establishments and organisations preparing for an influx in people and visitors, modifications have to be made to the way things are conducted. Safety protocols and procedures must include social distancing, temperature checking devices, and other screening devices to ensure proper contact tracing.

Utilising Security Methods to Minimise Risks From COVID-19

Sector security for all parts of a commercial establishment is a must-have in today’s world. With the virus being an invisible threat, not only must tools be employed, but proper staff must also be trained to deal with all kinds of people coming in and out of the area. We’re going to what sector security systems may work for you as we enter 2021, starting with visitor management systems:

Visitor Management Systems

This is the most direct first line of defence against COVID-19. By training staff to man visitor-management kiosks with the proper safety procedures and reporting knowledge, this will decrease risks of the virus spreading. Asking simple questions can be a big help in mitigating the virus, which helps in the screening of individuals entering your properties.

Asking visitors if they have COVID-19-related symptoms, their recent travel history, and if someone close to them had the virus recently can be a big help. Coupled with adequately set up kiosks that protect employees from the virus, along with the proper tools, and you have an excellent sector security setup.

Access Security and Control Systems

By bumping up communications between staff and managerial positions, this can ensure better safety and security for people. Setting up work-from-home positions for non-essential personnel can help reduce the risks, which has proven to work due to increased technological infrastructure.

For on-site operations, providing better communication technologies like individual radios for ease of reach and minimising the potential spread-effect will be an excellent investment. Keeping your staff safe should be your number one priority, which means bumping up security and control systems for overall sector security.

New Tools for the Fight Against COVID-19

Investing in the newest thermal imaging technologies will be able to monitor visitor’s vitals from a distance and with zero contact. With thermal body temperature cameras becoming more accurate and affordable, these security systems can detect those with fevers. The aim of COVID-19 commercial security is to minimise contact as much as possible, which means employing a variety of technologies in tandem with proper measures.

Social Distancing Is Still Very Effective

When running a commercial establishment and working on safety measures to mitigate the impacts of the pandemic, social distancing measures are most effective. Set up a system that only allows a specified and safe number of individuals inside elevators and stores. Install stand markers to note where people should be staying to avoid getting too close.


Sector security is made most effective by enmeshing technologies with proven physical security measures. In COVID-19, the threat is invisible and can be present practically anywhere, which means it pays to be safe from all aspects. Complacency is the enemy, and by bumping up all security systems to prevent the virus, you can keep your staff and other visitors safe from harm.

Amthal offers the best sector security system solutions in the UK, with improved security products and blueprints for the COVID-19 pandemic. Keep employees safe with our methods to mitigate damage and assist the government with the fight against the Coronavirus. Contact us to find out more about how we can assist with your fight against COVID-19.